White cooperage and turnery

All information about the white cooperage and turnery

The term "Weissküferei" refers to the craft of making carved wooden utensils for cheese production from light maple and fir wood. In the 18th century there were well over 100 simple white coopers in eastern Switzerland. White cooperage became widespread at the beginning of the 19th century, when farmers and alpine dairymen began to become more conscious of their status. Around 1930, more and more aluminium utensils were used and dairy plants were built. Many farmers stopped producing cheese. The number of orders for white coopers decreased because owners of defective dishes could replace them cheaply elsewhere. As a result, many white coopers had to close down. In order to survive, they often continued to farm on the side. One reason for this was the ban on wooden milk dishes for hygienic reasons. Other white cooperages saved themselves by expanding their range with items such as cheese plates or plates that had not existed before. When the milk quota was created, many farmers took out their old and sometimes damaged butter churns again and had them repaired. They began to churn cream themselves. During this time, the white cooper received many restoration orders. Today, the products range from Appenzeller kübeli, umbrella stands, fruit bowls, table decorations, plaiting boards, milking stools to butter churns, some of which are ornamental, but also utilitarian objects in all price ranges. Thus, the wooden items are also affordable for all customers.

Visit the shop of Hans Reifler

Hans Reifler AG was founded in 1921 by Ulrich Reifler  and is now run by the 3rd generation of Hans and Brigitte Reifler.

Next to the workshop, you can take a look at the fascinating works of art in the sales shop. A visit is definitely worthwhile.


Address Hans Reifler AG
Urnäscherstr. 127
9064 Hundwil
Phone +41 71 367 13 40
Website www.reifler.ch